Mobile Injection Shield Cart 최고관리자 0 1435 2022.07.14 16:25 Mobile Injection Shield Cart d Description Specifications Mobile Injection Shield Cart for the purpose of protecting workers from radiation when injecting radioactive drugs such as FDG into patients Mobile Injection Shield Cart for the purpose of protecting workers from radiation when injecting radioactive drugs such as FDG into patients SIZE : 350(W) × 500(L) × 1,160(H)mmShield : Pb 50mmLead Glass : 200(W) × 100(L) × 100(T)mmInclusive of a drawer SIZE : 350(W) × 500(L) × 1,160(H)mmShield : Pb 50mmLead Glass : 200(W) × 100(L) × 100(T)mmInclusive of a drawer